18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:27 am

Hi, First post :)
Is there anyone her that uses BASIC? I'm stuck in time, and it's [i]basically[i] the only language I use.
I'm making a little circuit that uses an 18LF2520 and a Nokia 5110 LCD, and am looking for some help.
Cheers, Camerart.
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby drh » Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:25 pm

What kind of help? Hardware? Firmware?
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:05 pm

Hi D,
I use Oshonsoft for writing and simulating the programs, and MPLAB for programming the PICs, with a serial connection.
I use Kicad to make the circuits.

Here is an example program written by Chris Holden. He used a different PIC. Where it won't compile, I add 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX or similar mark, so I can find the problem lines.
I'm using a modified circuit, so I don't know yet exactly which pins will connect to where, but as soon as I know I can alter them.

'16LF1829 INT32 5110LCD 030417 (Chris holden)
'18LF2520 INT32 5110LCD 011017
Define CONFIG1 = 0x0804
Define CONFIG2 = 0x1dff

Symbol tx = PORTA.0
Symbol rx = PORTA.1
ConfigPin tx = Output
ConfigPin rx = Input

OSCCON = 11110000b 'oscillator = 32mhz
WaitMs 10
APFCON0 = 00000000b 'APFCON ????????????????????????????

Symbol led_pin = PORTB.4
Symbol lcd_sck = PORTB.6 'tick
Symbol lcd_data = PORTB.4 'tick?
Symbol lcd_command = PORTB.7
Symbol lcd_reset = PORTB.5



Dim i As Byte
Dim j As Byte
Dim k As Byte

Dim li As Byte
Dim lj As Byte
Dim lk As Byte

Dim si As Byte
Dim sk As Byte

Dim byte_to_send As Byte
Dim x_value As Byte
Dim y_value As Byte
Dim character_to_send As Byte
Dim char(8) As Byte
Dim move_x As Byte
Dim string_to_write As String

Dim invert_display As Bit
Dim wrap_text As Bit

ConfigPin PORTB = Output

invert_display = 0
wrap_text = 0

WaitMs 100

Gosub init_lcd
Gosub lcd_clear

x_value = 2 'columns are individual pixels
y_value = 0 'must be a row number, which is a multiple of 8
Gosub lcd_goto_xy
Gosub draw_band

x_value = 2
y_value = 1
Gosub lcd_goto_xy
invert_display = 1
wrap_text = 0
Gosub lcd_write_string
invert_display = 0

x_value = 2
y_value = 3
wrap_text = 1
Gosub lcd_goto_xy
string_to_write = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Gosub lcd_write_string

x_value = 2
y_value = 5
Gosub lcd_goto_xy
string_to_write = ""
Gosub lcd_write_string


High led_pin
WaitMs 2000
Low led_pin
WaitMs 2000

Goto loop

Low lcd_reset
WaitMs 10
High lcd_reset

'put into command mode
Low lcd_command

byte_to_send = 0x21 'lcd extended commands
Gosub lcd_write_byte
byte_to_send = 0xb1 'set lcd contrast
Gosub lcd_write_byte
byte_to_send = 0x04 'set temp coefficient
Gosub lcd_write_byte
byte_to_send = 0x14 'lcd bias mode 1:48
Gosub lcd_write_byte
byte_to_send = 0x0c 'put lcd into normal mode
Gosub lcd_write_byte
byte_to_send = 0x20 'dunno
Gosub lcd_write_byte
byte_to_send = 0x0c 'dunno
Gosub lcd_write_byte
WaitMs 5

'put into data mode
High lcd_command


For li = 0 To 7
lk = 7 - li
lj = 1
lj = ShiftLeft(lj, lk)
lj = lj And byte_to_send
If lj = 0 Then
'send a zero bit
Low lcd_data
'send a one bit
High lcd_data

'toggle the clock line
High lcd_sck
ASM: nop
Low lcd_sck

Next li


'put the cursor at 0,0
x_value = 0
y_value = 0
Gosub lcd_goto_xy

'put the lcd into data mode
High lcd_command

'send 504 (48*84/8) blank pixels
For i = 0 To 5
For j = 0 To 83
byte_to_send = 0x00
If invert_display = 1 Then byte_to_send = byte_to_send Nand 0xff
Gosub lcd_write_byte
Next j
Next i

'just give everything a sec or two
WaitMs 10


Low lcd_command
byte_to_send = 0x80
byte_to_send = byte_to_send Or x_value
Gosub lcd_write_byte

byte_to_send = 0x40
byte_to_send = byte_to_send Or y_value
Gosub lcd_write_byte
High lcd_command


'set the default character to zero
char(0) = 0x00
char(1) = 0x00
char(2) = 0x00
char(3) = 0x00
char(4) = 0x00
char(5) = 0x00
char(6) = 0x00
move_x = 0

Select Case character_to_send
Case "A"
char(0) = 01111110b
char(1) = 00001001b
char(2) = 00001001b
char(3) = 01111110b
move_x = 5

Case "B"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00110110b
move_x = 5

Case "C"
char(0) = 00011100b
char(1) = 00100010b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 01000001b
move_x = 5

Case "D"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 01000001b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 00100010b
char(4) = 00011100b
move_x = 6

Case "E"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01000001b
move_x = 4

Case "F"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00001001b
char(2) = 00001001b
move_x = 4

Case "G"
char(0) = 00011100b
char(1) = 00100010b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 01001001b
char(4) = 01111010b
move_x = 6

Case "H"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00001000b
char(2) = 00001000b
char(3) = 01111111b
move_x = 5

Case "I"
char(0) = 01000001b
char(1) = 01111111b
char(2) = 01000001b
move_x = 4

Case "J"
char(0) = 00100000b
char(1) = 01000000b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 00100001b
char(4) = 00011111b
move_x = 6

Case "K"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00001000b
char(2) = 00010100b
char(3) = 01100011b
move_x = 5

Case "L"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 01000000b
char(2) = 01000000b
move_x = 4

Case "M"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00000001b
char(2) = 00000010b
char(3) = 00001100b
char(4) = 00000010b
char(5) = 00000001b
char(6) = 01111111b
move_x = 8

Case "N"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00000100b
char(2) = 00001000b
char(3) = 00010000b
char(4) = 01111111b
move_x = 6

Case "O"
char(0) = 00011100b
char(1) = 00100010b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 01000001b
char(4) = 00100010b
char(5) = 00011100b
move_x = 7

Case "P"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00010001b
char(2) = 00010001b
char(3) = 00001110b
move_x = 5

Case "Q"
char(0) = 00011100b
char(1) = 00100010b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 01010001b
char(4) = 00100010b
char(5) = 01011100b
move_x = 7

Case "R"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00011001b
char(2) = 00101001b
char(3) = 01000110b
move_x = 5

Case "S"
char(0) = 00100010b
char(1) = 01000101b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00110010b
move_x = 5

Case "T"
char(0) = 00000001b
char(1) = 00000001b
char(2) = 01111111b
char(3) = 00000001b
char(4) = 00000001b
move_x = 6

Case "U"
char(0) = 00111111b
char(1) = 01000000b
char(2) = 01000000b
char(3) = 01111111b
move_x = 5

Case "V"
char(0) = 00000011b
char(1) = 00011100b
char(2) = 01100000b
char(3) = 00011100b
char(4) = 00000011b
move_x = 6

Case "W"
char(0) = 00111111b
char(1) = 01000000b
char(2) = 00100000b
char(3) = 00011000b
char(4) = 00100000b
char(5) = 01000000b
char(6) = 00111111b
move_x = 8

Case "X"
char(0) = 01100011b
char(1) = 00010100b
char(2) = 00001000b
char(3) = 00010100b
char(4) = 01100011b
move_x = 6

Case "Y"
char(0) = 00000011b
char(1) = 00000100b
char(2) = 01111100b
char(3) = 00000111b
move_x = 5

Case "Z"
char(0) = 01111001b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001101b
char(3) = 01001011b
move_x = 5

Case "a"
char(0) = 00100000b
char(1) = 01010100b
char(2) = 01010100b
char(3) = 01111000b
move_x = 5

Case "b"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 01000100b
char(2) = 01000100b
char(3) = 00111000b
move_x = 5

Case "c"
char(0) = 00111000b
char(1) = 01000100b
char(2) = 01000100b
char(3) = 01000100b
move_x = 5

Case "d"
char(0) = 00111000b
char(1) = 01000100b
char(2) = 01000100b
char(3) = 01111111b
move_x = 5

Case "e"
char(0) = 00111000b
char(1) = 01010100b
char(2) = 01010100b
char(3) = 01011100b
move_x = 5

Case "f"
char(0) = 01111110b
char(1) = 00001001b
char(2) = 00000001b
move_x = 4

Case "g"
char(0) = 10011000b
char(1) = 10100100b
char(2) = 10100100b
char(3) = 01111100b
move_x = 5

Case "h"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00000100b
char(2) = 00000100b
char(3) = 01111000b
move_x = 5

Case "i"
char(0) = 01000100b
char(1) = 01111101b
char(2) = 01000000b
move_x = 4

Case "j"
char(0) = 10000100b
char(1) = 10000101b
char(2) = 01111100b
move_x = 4

Case "k"
char(0) = 01111111b
char(1) = 00010000b
char(2) = 00010000b
char(3) = 01101100b
move_x = 5

Case "l"
char(0) = 01000001b
char(1) = 01111111b
char(2) = 01000000b
move_x = 4

Case "m"
char(0) = 01111100b
char(1) = 00000100b
char(2) = 00000100b
char(3) = 01111000b
char(4) = 00000100b
char(5) = 00000100b
char(6) = 01111000b
move_x = 8

Case "n"
char(0) = 01111100b
char(1) = 00000100b
char(2) = 00000100b
char(3) = 01111000b
move_x = 5

Case "o"
char(0) = 00111000b
char(1) = 01000100b
char(2) = 01000100b
char(3) = 00111000b
move_x = 5

Case "p"
char(0) = 11111100b
char(1) = 00100100b
char(2) = 00100100b
char(3) = 00011000b
move_x = 5

Case "q"
char(0) = 00011000b
char(1) = 00100100b
char(2) = 00100100b
char(3) = 11111100b
move_x = 5

Case "r"
char(0) = 01111000b
char(1) = 00000100b
char(2) = 00000100b
char(3) = 00000100b
move_x = 5

Case "s"
char(0) = 01001000b
char(1) = 01010100b
char(2) = 01010100b
char(3) = 01010100b
char(4) = 00100000b
move_x = 6

Case "t"
char(0) = 00111111b
char(1) = 01000100b
char(2) = 01000100b
move_x = 4

Case "u"
char(0) = 00111100b
char(1) = 01000000b
char(2) = 01000000b
char(3) = 01111100b
move_x = 5

Case "v"
char(0) = 00011100b
char(1) = 00100000b
char(2) = 01000000b
char(3) = 00100000b
char(4) = 00011100b
move_x = 6

Case "w"
char(0) = 00111100b
char(1) = 01000000b
char(2) = 00100000b
char(3) = 00010000b
char(4) = 00100000b
char(5) = 01000000b
char(6) = 00111100b
move_x = 8

Case "x"
char(0) = 01101100b
char(1) = 00010000b
char(2) = 00010000b
char(3) = 01101100b
move_x = 5

Case "y"
char(0) = 10001100b
char(1) = 10010000b
char(2) = 10010000b
char(3) = 01111100b
move_x = 5

Case "z"
char(0) = 01100100b
char(1) = 01010100b
char(2) = 01001100b
move_x = 4

Case "0"
char(0) = 00111110b
char(1) = 01000001b
char(2) = 01000001b
char(3) = 00111110b
move_x = 5

Case "1", 1
char(0) = 01000010b
char(1) = 01111111b
char(2) = 01000000b
move_x = 4

Case "2", 2
char(0) = 01100010b
char(1) = 01010001b
char(2) = 01010001b
char(3) = 01001110b
move_x = 5

Case "3", 3
char(0) = 01000010b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00110110b
move_x = 5

Case "4", 4
char(0) = 00011111b
char(1) = 00010000b
char(2) = 00010000b
char(3) = 01111100b
char(4) = 00010000b
move_x = 6

Case "5", 5
char(0) = 00100111b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00110001b
move_x = 5

Case "6", 6
char(0) = 00111110b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00110010b
move_x = 5

Case "7", 7
char(0) = 00000001b
char(1) = 01110001b
char(2) = 00011001b
char(3) = 00000111b
move_x = 5

Case "8", 8
char(0) = 00110110b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00110110b
move_x = 5

Case "9", 9
char(0) = 00100110b
char(1) = 01001001b
char(2) = 01001001b
char(3) = 00111110b
move_x = 5

Case "."
char(0) = 01100000b
char(1) = 01100000b
move_x = 3

Case ":"
char(0) = 01100110b
char(1) = 01100110b
move_x = 3

Case 32
move_x = 4

Case "{"
Gosub draw_wifi




'put the lcd into data mode
High lcd_command

For i = 0 To 6
byte_to_send = char(i)
If invert_display = 1 Then byte_to_send = byte_to_send Nand 0xff
Gosub lcd_write_byte
Next i



sk = Len(string_to_write) - 1
For si = 0 To sk

'convert the requested character into an array of bits to display
character_to_send = string_to_write(si)
Gosub lcd_get_character

'check the character will fit on the screen
k = x_value + move_x

If k > 82 And wrap_text = 0 Then
'don't write anything more on this line
x_value = 84
If k > 82 Then
x_value = 2
y_value = y_value + 1
Gosub lcd_goto_xy

'send the character to the lcd
Gosub send_character_to_lcd

'update the "cursor x" position
x_value = x_value + move_x
Gosub lcd_goto_xy

Next si

x_value = 0
Gosub lcd_goto_xy

'put the lcd into data mode
High lcd_command

byte_to_send = 11110000b
If invert_display = 1 Then byte_to_send = byte_to_send Nand 0xff
For i = 0 To 83
Gosub lcd_write_byte
Next i

byte_to_send = 0xff
If invert_display = 1 Then byte_to_send = byte_to_send Nand 0xff
For i = 0 To 83
Gosub lcd_write_byte
Next i

byte_to_send = 00000111b
If invert_display = 1 Then byte_to_send = byte_to_send Nand 0xff
For i = 0 To 83
Gosub lcd_write_byte
Next i



For i = 0 To 14
Select Case i
Case 0, 14
byte_to_send = 00001000b

Case 1, 13
byte_to_send = 00000100b

Case 2, 12
byte_to_send = 00000010b

Case 3, 11
byte_to_send = 00010010b

Case 4, 10
byte_to_send = 00001001b

Case 5, 9
byte_to_send = 00100101b

Case 6, 8
byte_to_send = 10010101b

Case 7
byte_to_send = 11010101b

If invert_display = 1 Then byte_to_send = byte_to_send Nand 0xff
Gosub lcd_write_byte
Next i

x_value = x_value + 16
Gosub lcd_goto_xy

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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby jtemples » Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:25 pm

APFCON doesn't apply to your PIC; you can delete that line.
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:54 pm

I've finished the circuit board? but there is a problem. I programmed a simple led flashing routine, a voltage shows flashing voltage at the PINs, app 1V, but the leds don't flash. If I short the 3.3V across to the PINs the leds light ok.
There is no voltage drop at the regulator.
I have a similar circuit as a previous project, and the LEDs flash ok.
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby drh » Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:45 pm

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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:47 pm

Hi D,
Unfortunately I don't have a schematic. I was playing with a circuit transfer method, so it was all deleted as it wasn't fully connected up, and I used extra wires.
Here's the PCB:
Hope it shows what you need.
Here's the simpler program I am trying:

'18lf2520 8mHz INT 5110 021017 1221
'Define SIMULATION_WAITMS_VALUE = 1 'Comment in for SIM out for PIC
Define CONFIG1L = 0x00
Define CONFIG1H = 0x08 'INT OSC
Define CONFIG2L = 0x1e
Define CONFIG2H = 0x00
Define CONFIG3L = 0x00
Define CONFIG3H = 0x80
Define CONFIG4L = 0x80 'Set for HVP
Define CONFIG4H = 0x00
Define CONFIG5L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG5H = 0xc0
Define CONFIG6L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG6H = 0xe0
Define CONFIG7L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG7H = 0x40
OSCCON = %01110010 'internal 8Mhz clock
TRISA = %00000001 'IN/OUT 0=Button
TRISB = %00000000
TRISC = %00010001 'RC4 SDI
PORTA = %00000000 'ON/OFF
PORTB = %00000000
PORTC = %00000000
PORTE = %00001000 'POSS MCLR RE3
Symbol rstbutton = PORTE.3 '???????????????????????
Symbol button = PORTA.0
Symbol yled = PORTC.1
Symbol rled = PORTC.2
'Symbol cs = PORTB.0
'Symbol sck = PORTC.3
'Symbol sdi = PORTC.4 'MISO
'Symbol sdo = PORTC.5 'MOSI
'Symbol d102data = PORTA.2
rled = 1
WaitMs 1000
rled = 0
WaitMs 1000
yled = 1
WaitMs 1000
yled = 0
WaitMs 1000
Goto start
CIRCUIT.jpg (56.34 KiB) Viewed 8449 times
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:42 am

Update: I've just been checking resistances around the circuit, comparing with a working similar circuit. The working circuit show most PINs have 10ish Mohms, but the none working circuit shows Kohms, so it appears there is some shorting. I'll work on this.
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:29 am

Removed the PIC and the solder paste had made a mess under it. Cleaned it re-soldered it and it's now working.
Lessons have been learnt!
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Re: 18LF2520 with 5110 LCD

Postby camerart » Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:54 pm

I've altered the program that I'm copying, to suit the wire connections.
It doesn't show anything on the LCD, but I can see from the LED that it is getting to the LOOP.
Do the connected PINs need pull-ups/downs?
18lf2520 8MHz INT 5110 031017 1530.txt
(13.95 KiB) Downloaded 555 times
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