What are the differences between dsPIC33 and PIC24?

What are the differences between dsPIC33 and PIC24?

Postby HKPhysicist » Thu May 20, 2021 6:25 pm

Hello all PIC Experts and Freaks,
I find that 16 bit PIC MCUs are marketed as 2 different types - dsPIC33 and PIC24.

What makes dsPIC33 so special?
Does it have hardware-assisted Fast Fourier Transformation?
Where is its software Fast Fourier Transformation library?

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Re: What are the differences between dsPIC33 and PIC24?

Postby AussieSusan » Fri May 21, 2021 3:39 am

The dsPIC33 devices contain additional registers and can perform additional instructions for 'digital signal processing', most specifically the MAC (multiply and add) instruction.
Try a Google search for 'microchip dspic33 dsp library' - the first few responses when I did this took me straight to the libraries.
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