I've shut down Firefox for other reasons today and now checked what is going on at Microchip.
I can log in (at least I am showing as automatically logged on) but there is no edit box in the quick reply section...
I guess they goofed again?
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) http://www.microchip.com/forums/NewEditor/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.ashx?js=tr…popups%2Clegacyoutput%2Cpaste%2Cautoresize%2Clists%2Cautolink&languages=en
he munged the link
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a form and have used potentially harmful characters in your entries.
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Jim.Nickerson wrote:...,
Open full version also provides no edit box but does throw this java error:TypeError: Cannot read property 'TextareaSelector' of undefined
(link munged so it would not become a link )
http:// www microchip.com/forums/combinedJs.axd?key=1757212980;2003007660;385346830;540312784;469935658;2115924700:684&host=www.microchip.com
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'TextareaSelector' of undefined or null reference
File: combinedJs.axd, Line: 684, Column: 9
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