RN1810 responds to UART data with ERR:?-Cmd

RN1810 responds to UART data with ERR:?-Cmd

Postby potentialcustomer » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:37 pm


I have configured the RN1810 as a WiFi access point with a TCP server and wrote code for my PIC to dynamically generate a webpage when the RN1810 receives a client connection. I have an issue when I try transmit my webpage (as HTML formatted text) from PIC to RN1810 (where WiFly is in DATA mode). I receive the following from the RN1810 (monitored using Cutecom on linux):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ERR: ?-Cmd<!DOCTYPE html>
ERR: ?-Cmd<html>
ERR: ?-Cmd<head><meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
.... the rest of
.... my webpage
ERR: ?-Cmd</form>
ERR: ?-Cmd</body>
ERR: ?-Cmd</html>
ERR: ?-Cmd

Does anyone know why the RN1810 transmits ERR: ?-Cmd after each of my lines of HTML? As I understand it, anything transmitted to the RN1810 over UART fills the RN1810 Rx buffer until a flush method is used to transmit the data over WiFi and flush Rx buffer. I use a match character with buffer size as backup. I have found little information on this message (consequently all from hobbyist forums using an arduino-like IDE).
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