I know there are a number of (effectively unanswered) questions on the subject of using he Microchip WiFi hardware with the freeRTOS code but I thought I would ask here as I embark on what might be a fruitless quest.
freeTOS V8.1.2 (and possibly earlier) provides a 'freeRTOS+UDP' system that relies on the user writing code that interfaces their API to the appropriate MAC driver.
The alternative is to look at the Microchip TCPIP/WiFi code and see if it can be 'fitted" into a freeRTOS 'task'.
1) has anyone written anything that interfaces the freeRTOS+UDP to the MRF24WB0M* (or similar)?
2) has anyone successfully managed to get the Microchip code to work as a freeRTOS 'task'?
I know there have been many such questions going back over many years but I can't see anyone that says "here is what I did that works". I'm wondering if that is because it is a waste of time or if none has ever survived the attempt!