[Solved] - just a silly mistake
Hello folks,
I started a project with a IPC16F15225, used MPLAB X v5.50 and MCC to configure a small test project,
with I2C. I checked the box for using an interrupt for I2C.
I also uncommented the IDE-generated lines to enable global + peripheral interrupts - and then it would not wait forever for i2c not being busy
So far, so good. Except that I'm always getting back zeroes when reading fhe first register of a device.
So I attached one of those cheap Saleae clones as a logic analyzer & capturing from Sigrok, I get a strange looking pulse pattern.
I am calling, from the i2c1_master_example.c, I2C1_Read2ByteRegister().
See image below.
There seems to be one clock pulse missing even just for the address - if that's what it's sending there. The I2C protocol decoder doesn't display anything.
And no pulses for the register to be read.
(btw, there is only one thing connected, a MAX7500 temperature sensor.)
Any ideas what might be wrong?