PIC32MX460F512L Parallel Master Port PMP usage

PIC32MX460F512L Parallel Master Port PMP usage

Postby newb77777 » Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:05 am

Can PMALH line on PIC32MX460F512L located on PIN 43 be set to AN14 input or does it need to get set with the rest of the pins as a parallel master port function. I ran out of analog input pins on my pic32 device and this was the only one left since I am not using the PMALH (high byte) of the parallel port.

For example
PMRD = Pin82
PMWR = Pin81
PMALL = Pin43
would be set for Parallel Master Port functions but PMALH could be set for Analog input pin 14 while the rest of the port pins PMRD, PMWR and PMALL set for Pararallel port?
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