fire alaram sound using PIC16F886

fire alaram sound using PIC16F886

Postby ajitnayak87 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:54 pm

I am coding on pIC16F886 IC. I am trying to generate Fire alarm siren with PWM signal . I have few questions as below.

Below code produce 50% duty cycle with 2Khz frequency.Now i am trying to produce fire alarm sound for that I am plan to use Timer1 interrupt 16 bit. During Ton time of timer send PWM signal for duty cycle 50% and Toff time of timer1 i will turn of PWM timer. can someone suggest how can make below changes.

Code: Select all

#include <htc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000
unsigned int i=0;
#define TMR2PRESCALE 16
long freq;
unsigned int x;
#define LED RC7
#define LED1 RC6
#define LED2 RC2
unsigned short int cnt, num,Dgt=0;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;

void out_p(int l , int k);
int PWM_Max_Duty()
PWM1_Init(long fre)
 PR2 = (_XTAL_FREQ/(freq*4*TMR2PRESCALE)) - 1;
 freq = fre;

PWM1_Duty(unsigned int duty)
 duty = ((float)duty/1023)*PWM_Max_Duty();
 CCP1X = duty & 2;
 CCP1Y = duty & 1;
 CCPR1L = duty>>2;

 CCP1M3 = 1;
 CCP1M2 = 1;
 #if TMR2PRESCALE == 1
 T2CKPS0 = 0;
 T2CKPS1 = 0;
 #elif TMR2PRESCALE == 4
 T2CKPS0 = 1;
 T2CKPS1 = 0;
 #elif TMR2PRESCALE == 16
 T2CKPS0 = 1;
 T2CKPS1 = 1;
 TMR2ON = 1;
 TRISC2 = 0;

 CCP1M3 = 0;
 CCP1M2 = 0;

void SetPWMDutyCycle(unsigned int DutyCycle) // Give a value in between 0 and 1024 for DutyCycle
 CCPR1L = DutyCycle>>2; // Put MSB 8 bits in CCPR1L
 CCP1CON &= 0xCF; // Make bit4 and 5 zero
 CCP1CON |= (0x30&(DutyCycle<<4)); // Assign Last 2 LSBs to CCP1CON

void InitPWM(void)
 TRISC2 = 0; // Make CCP1 pin as output
 CCP1CON = 0x0C; // Configure CCP1 module in PWM mode
PR2 = 0xFF; // Configure the Timer2 period
 T2CON = 0x01; // Set Prescaler to be 4, hence PWM frequency is set to 4.88KHz.
SetPWMDutyCycle(0); // Intialize the PWM to 0 duty cycle
T2CON |= 0x04; // Enable the Timer2, hence enable the PWM.

void Delay(int k)
void tone(int Frequency,int duration)
void Timer1_Interrupt()
 INTCON = 0b00000000;
 // T1CON=0x01;

 void Init_Controller()
 PORTB = 0b00000000;
 ADCON0 = 0b00000000;
 ANSEL = 0b00000000;
void interrupt isr(void)
 TMR1H=0xEA; // Load the time value(0x0BDC) for 100ms delay
 TMR1L=0x60; //Timer1 Interrupt for 65000
 TMR1IF=0; // Clear timer interrupt flag
void main(void)




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Re: fire alaram sound using PIC16F886

Postby PStechPaul » Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:18 am

As others said in your YouTube comments, your MOSFET amplifier is not a good design. Here is a simulation of a reasonably good simple MOSFET amplifier:

MOSFET_Amp.png (52.96 KiB) Viewed 4314 times

The 3.7 volt lithium battery makes it difficult to apply sufficient voltage to bias a standard MOSFET, so I chose one with about 1.1 volt gate threshold. This circuit applies about 46 mV P-P into an 8 ohm speaker load, with an applied signal of 20 mV P-P.

As for generating the fire alarm sound, you may need to change the frequency of the 50% PWM every 100 mSec or so.
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