by AussieSusan » Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:20 am
As @Roche says, you are looking at the wrong document.
MPlab X is the IDE (think editor) which means that it can be used across (nearly) all MCUs.
XC8, XC16 and XC32 (plus others) are the compilers. Each has its own user guide etc that describes the language features, differences and extensions etc..
Each MCU has a specific data sheet that describes the combination of memory, modules etc. in that device. The data sheet specifies exactly what is in that MCU but not necessarily how to use it.
The Family Reference Manual is a set of documents that describe in detail the various components and modules that a family of devices has. Note that an FRM section (document) may describe some functionality of a module that is not implemented in a specific MCU so you need to check back to the MCU for that detail. The FRM also can contain more examples than the data sheet (but this depends on the overall family - PIC12/16/18 tend to have details in the data sheet while PIC24/dsPIC33 and PIC32 have the examples more in the FRM).
All information is generally in one of the manuals but you need to know which is the best one to look at for a particular question - experience helps a lot.