Complete PIC10/12/16 Device ID List

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Complete PIC10/12/16 Device ID List

Postby Digitrax » Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:39 pm

Having spent (literally) months compiling this, I thought I'd share it.
Attached is a complete (or as near as I can manage) list of device IDs for the 8-bit PIC families, including known revision IDs — (Note: only revision IDs that could be confirmed via datasheet, programming spec, or actual devices were included).

This is a plain (notepad) text file, so should be displayed using "Courier New", "Consolas", or other monospaced font in order to support tabs/formatting.

Have fun.
8-bit PIC DevIDs.txt
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Re: Complete PIC10/12/16 Device ID List

Postby ric » Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:31 am

Now to pop it into a spreadsheet, and sort by ID so you can do a quick reverse lookup. :)
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Re: Complete PIC10/12/16 Device ID List

Postby ric » Fri Mar 10, 2023 3:38 am

Done (finally)
8-bit PIC DevIDs.xlsx
(36.56 KiB) Downloaded 370 times
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